Q: Do you have Flex-Pay like QVC and Home Shopping offer on their programs? |
Yes we do. We have what we call a Easy-Pay. You don't even need to use your credit card to get started.
All you have to do is go to our Layaway page, select the Set(s) that you want, and fill out a small form. You do need to have an email address because we email you an invoice.
The choices on the form make it extremely flexible for you to get the Set(s) you really want. You can...
- Choose to make 2, 3, or 4 payments
- Be billed for those payments every 1, 2, or 3 months
You can even use the Comments box to say something like "Start my first billing in 3 weeks and go from there"
Let's run through an example. The pretend Set for this example is $2,000 and you want to make 4 payments and be billed for these payments every 3 months. Let's say that the Tax comes out to $150 and the shipping cost is $100.
The total cookware cost would be $2,250
Each of your 4 payments would be only $562.50 and when we receive your final payment we promptly ship out your cookware.
We don't charge any early payoff penalties so you could play it safe and choose the 4 payments to be billed every 3 months (you know, just in case) and still pay it completely off in 2 months. When you're all paid up, we ship the cookware so you won't have to wait for any payment cycle.
If something comes up and you need to completely cancel your Layaway purchase, we can only refund 75% of any money you paid on unshipped Sets. If the Set has already been shipped (even before it has been delivered to you [in transit]) then it is considered a Return and that needs to be handled by the office.
Just so you know, Tax and Shipping are both determined by the address where the cookware is being shipped to. (not from where it was purchased) |
Q: I don't have a job or any money right now, but I want the cookware, what can I do? |
So glad you asked. Since we are basically an old fashioned company we still offer a layaway plan. This allows you to purchase your set over time.
What you want to do is go to Layaway.
Only complete Sets are offered to be put on Layaway.
Check the checkbox next to the Set(s) you wish to have. Then scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and click on the [Continue >>>] button. Fill out the needed details in the form and pay particular attention to the Layaway Plan and Invoice Frequency drop-down menus. You can choose a Layaway plan of 2, 3, or 4 payments. You can choose the frequency of how often you would like to make a payment from every 1, 2, or 3 months.
What we do is take the total amount of your purchase including the shipping and tax and will send you an invoice. The amount and the frequency of the invoices are dependent on what you choose.
There is no additional cost to purchasing the cookware on a Layaway plan.
As in all layaway plans you get the cookware after all the payments are made. It will automatically ship in 2-3 weeks after your final payment.
Final note, we wish you success in your job search, also remember we are actively seeking employees for our company, see We're Hiring and call Stu. |
Q: I'm going camping can I bring my cookware? |
Sure you can, just sneak it out the back door before your wife wakes up.
All kidding aside. Our cookware can be used on all cooking sources. This being said if you're going to use it in an open campfire rub dish soap on the bottom. This will help remove the soot from the wood burning fire. After cooking just wash with soap and water in the RV or the nearest river or creek (make sure you use GREEN soap so the tree huggers don't get mad). You're on your own on getting it back into the kitchen though. |
Q: I've got the code now what do I do? |
Click on the tab that says Cookware. It will go to the next page and at the top it will say:
BEFORE YOU START Apply your Show Discount Code
Click on this button and it will let you type in and Apply your Show Code.
Once the Show Code is Applied then cookware added to the Shopping Cart will be at the discounted price. (not all cookware is affected by the Show Code) |
Q: What do I do if my cookware has been in a house fire, but I can't retrieve it? |
Call Stuart immediately 214.663.0255 he has a number of solutions and one might be right for you. |
Q: What do I do if my cookware has been in a house fire? |
Fall on your knees and thank God for saving your life. We're sorry about your misfortune, but happy you're able to tell the tale.
If you have already gotten your cookware out of the rubble (be careful it might still be hot) take it and spray it with Easy-Off oven spray. Put it in the backyard where the sun can shine on it for 5-6 hours. Now go have a long lei-surly lunch and wait for the Easy-Off to do its' job. After waiting, take the garden hose and hose it off. Most of the char and black soot will be removed by the Easy-Off, however, some residue might still be there. Take your stainless steel cleaner sprinkle it on the cookware, add a little water to a paper towel and start making circular motions on the cookware. A little elbow grease might need to be used, too.
Once you have your cookware cleaned take an inventory of which handles and knobs need to be replaced. It's okay if you need to replace all of them. Remember all of the handles and knobs are free. You can either call the Office 800.800.2850 or call Stuart at 214.663.0255 and we'll get you what you need. |
Q: What is a Show Code? |
This is the magic little code word that will get you show discount pricing on your purchases of Sets. It's found on the front or back of the business card that Stuart (the demonstrator) gave you at the Show. Apply this Show code to get special savings as a thank you from us. |
Q: What is Preferred Status? |
Preferred Status is afforded to all of our existing clients. Buy anything from us and you'll get Preferred Status too. It basically gives you Show Pricing which is a huge savings on purchases. |
Q: Where's my Show Code? |
Look on both sides of the business card that Stuart gave you...it could be on the back or it could be on the front but towards the bottom of the card. You can always call Stuart at 214.663.0255 and he'll give you the code again.
You'll want to Apply this Show Code to receive special discounted pricing as a thank you for visiting us at the show. |
Q: Can I put my cookware in the dishwasher? |
Absolutely. Just remember at least once a week or so to clean it with the stainless steel cleanser.
You will know when to clean it by the grey color it turns to or by the white spots that form in it. It's oxidation that has formed from the heat used in cooking, not to worry it comes right out. |
Q: All my food is burning what am I doing wrong? |
Simply stated you have the heat turned up too high. Remember, medium to low is all you need to know. Our seven ply construction has all the perfect balance of metals in it to cook evenly at low temperatures. You no longer have to compensate with inferior cookware by turning the heat up. Relax and let the cookware do the cooking. |
Q: Heard y'all can boil an egg without water, will you tell me how? |
Of course we will, we want you to experience the joy of cooking on the greatest cookware you have ever owned.
I'm going to start you out small, you can increase the size as you get more comfortable cooking this way.
Using a 1 or 2 quart sauce pan you will first take a paper towel and fold it into quarters, run it under the faucet to get it dripping wet, keeping it folded do not wring it out, place it in the bottom of the pan, place 3 or 4 eggs into the pan. Put the lid on it and wait for the steam to rise. This will take about 3-4 minutes.
Once this happens remove it from the stove but do not uncover the pan. Let it stand for 6 minutes for a soft boiled egg or 10-12 minutes for a hard boiled egg. Open cover, run under cold water faucet, place lid back on and shake the pan to crack open the egg for easy peeling. Remember ladies if it's pleasing to the eyesight, it's pleasing to the appetite. Dad will think you're a marvelous cook when he sees the yolks are no longer green around the edges. |
Q: Why won't my egg come out of my skillet? |
Since an egg is pure protein it will sear to the pan, just like a steak sears, if you have cracked the egg into a hot pan. Our recommendation is to spray your pan with olive oil first (Pam) and then crack your egg into the cool pan, then put it on the stove and heat it up. Remember, medium to low is all you need to know. So keep your heat turned down. DO NOT PREHEAT SKILLET. Bacon grease is out because the grease is already hot from frying the bacon. Once the egg is cooked, nudge it with a metal spatula and it should release very easily, then you can flip it over.
Note* You can get a metal spatula from Spatula City on the Rush Limbaugh Show.
Ah just fool'n. Cutco has the perfect spatula, it costs about $42.00, but well worth the price. It's made of very thin, spring steel and it has the flexibility to evenly scrape the inside of our pans which is needed under certain circumstances. They call it the "Turn 'N Serve" If you want one Janet Wiggins (Wiggy) can help you get one,
her email address is: cutcowiggy@hotmail.com
She's a very nice lady to work with, make sure you tell her Stuart and Linda sent you to her website and tell her hi from us. |
Q: How should I write an email address? Can I use CAPITAL LETTERS? |
Yes. You can write an email address with CAPITAL LETTERS or with small letters, or with a mixture of the two. It doesn't matter whether you use small letters or capital letters because it is not case sensitive. For example, if someone tells you to write to GoodExample@ENGLISHCLUB.COM, it's okay to write to goodexample@englishclub.com. You can use all the 26 letters of the alphabet, plus hyphens (-), underscore (_) and full stop (.), plus of course the at sign (@). For example, all the following are possible (but of course, you must be sure that the email address exists. (one character can make the difference): goodexample@englishclub.com GoodExample@ENGLISHCLUB.COM good-example@EnglishClub.com good.example@englishclub.com GOOD.EXAMPLE@ENGLISHCLUB.COM |
Q: What does WWW mean? |
WWW are initials that stand for World Wide Web. A 'web' is a network of fibres or cables connecting different points. (Spiders make webs to catch flies.) The Web is one of the services available on the Internet. It lets you access millions of pages through a system of hyperlinks. Because it is 'world-wide', it was originally called the World Wide Web or WWW. |
Q: What is email? |
Email is short for "electronic mail". It is a service for sending messages and files from one computer to another computer. The computers can be within one company or anywhere in the world. The messages travel almost instantaneously. Email is also sometimes spelt "e-mail". |
Q: What is the difference between the Internet, WWW and email? |
The Internet is the physical system (computers, wires, connections etc). WWW (the World Wide Web) and email are services that you use when connected to the Internet. There are other services on the Internet, such as FTP (File Transfer Protocol) and News Groups. |
Q: What is the Internet? |
The word 'Internet' is made from the words 'inter-' + 'network'. A network is a collection of fibers or wires connecting various points. The Internet is an international network of millions of computers linked by cable, telephone lines and satellite. It is also sometimes called the 'Net'. |
Q: Are prices frozen during the Layaway time frame? |
We guarantee the Layaway total will not change for 12 consecutive months. Some customers put cookware on Layaway for 24 months. We can only guarantee the total for the first 12 consecutive months. If Headquarters raises prices on all or a portion of the cookware you placed on Layaway, you will not see a price change until after 12 consecutive months. Also, if you placed cookware on Layaway for 24 months and you pay-off the total amount within 12 consecutive months, you will not experience a price change (even if Headquarters raised prices).
Sometimes things happen and you miss a payment. Keep in mind that prices will not change for 12 consecutive months. This is not the same as 12 payments. For example: If your Layaway starts on 3/15/2014 and Headquarters raised prices that affect your Layaway on 6/13/2014, your price is guaranteed not to change for 12 consecutive months from the date you started the Layaway. In this example a price change to the Layaway would not happen until 3/15/2015. If the Layaway is paid off in full before 12 consecutive months then you will not experience any price change.
If cookware is placed on Layaway for 24 months, the first 12 consecutive months are guaranteed to not have a price change. If Headquarters raises prices at any time before or after the consecutive 13th month, there will be a change to the Layaway total amount that needs to be paid and the remaining Invoices will reflect that change.
To take advantage of the 12 consecutive month price guarantee, you would want to pay off the Layaway within 12 consecutive months from the date you started the Layaway. |
Q: Are there any extra fees with Layaways? |
There are no fees associated with Layaways. There are no opening, closing, or early pay-off fees. There is also no interest charged when on a Layaway. There is no fee charged for a missed or late payment. |
Q: Are there any Layaway rules I should know about? |
Click here for our Layaway Policy |